Star Wars was pretty much my life for several years until around the release of Episode II, when I began to lose interest due to the Prequels being so terrible. Here are some of the results of my old obsession...

Fan Fiction

Saber-Scorpion, Jedi Hunter
A Star Wars Fan Fiction by Justin R. "Saber-Scorpion" Stebbins
Originally written late 2000-2001, revised 2004-2005

- NOTE: My fan fiction was removed because I thought it sounded terrible and might be giving viewers a bad impression about my writing ability... and also because I wanted to make a few changes to the story. I am working on preparing it to be re-posted in the future. -


Fan Art
The Saber Clan
In my second Star Wars fan fiction, the complete Saber Clan finally comes together: Scorp, Ryan, Krysta, the Master, Cendiera, and Jade. If/when I ever write a third and final fan fiction for my Star Wars saga, this sketch of them around the proverbial round table will probably serve as the title image (with a bit of manipulation and some color, of course).

Bounty Hunter Tangle

2000 (revised 2004)
This is a piece that I sketched on paper and then colorized in the computer for my Star Wars fan fiction. It shows my character kicking Boba Fett, the famous Star Wars bounty hunter. I first drew it sometime in 2000, and added some details to the colored version (including shading) much later, in 2004 (when I re-wrote the fan fic for this site).

The Stingray Colored Wallpaper Image
August 2004
Just like the Bounty Hunter Tangle picture, I drew this image for my Star Wars Fan Fiction. It shows Saber-Scorpion's personal starship, a modified Skipray Blastboat called the Stingray. The image is desktop size (1024x768) and has information and statistics about the ship in the corner.

The Stingray Original Sketch
August 2004
The original sketch of the Stingray that was colored to create the image above. The B-Wing in the background was removed; it was supposed to be a Jedi hunting for Saber-Scorpion to take revenge upon him for his killing of Jedi Knights.

More fan art based on my Star Wars fan fiction, Saber-Scorpion: Jedi Hunter, can be seen here.

REALLY OLD STUFF (from 1999 or 2000, or perhaps a little before)
Most of these relics are from the days of "The Scorpion's Star Wars Website." I highly doubt that anyone still coming here even remembers that site. Suffice to say, I loved Episode 1 back then. Yeah, it was that long ago.

In this colored pencil piece, Boba Fett fires his wrist blaster miraculously without touching the controls for it. You can tell from his gelatinous leg that I had not yet learned how to make clothing look like there was actually a human body inside it.

This sketch was inspired by an old trading card that showed Boba Fett climbing up out of the Sarlacc pit, with sand showering off of his body. I liked the drawing but thought Boba Fett's helmet looked funny. So I tried my own hand at it.

The Mos Eisley Spaceport. Here we see Boba Fett interrogating a Jawa as Stormtroopers search the buildings and the Millennium Falcon takes off in the background. This was probably drawn after the release of the Special Edition ANH, in which Boba Fett walks by on Tatooine and waves to the audience.

In case you never looked at the year that my Star Wars fan fiction was originally written in, it was the year 2000. This sketch is probably even older than that. I had a taste for the extreme and unrealistic back then, as evidenced by this sketch, which shows (believe it or not) Saber-Scorpion and Ryan in their Star Wars armor. Scorp has come a long way since then, but you can see how he was starting to look a bit like his Enomeg self of today.

I'm not sure if this was drawn before or after the sketch to the left. This ridiculously colorful Saber-Scorpion was posted on my website with links to details about each part of his armor. The energy Wolverine claws shown here would eventually become the Handblades used by the Xarkon Enomegs of Nova Refuge.

A T-16 Skyhopper. I fell in love with this obscure ship for a short while after I discovered its existence and name and flew it in the game Rogue Squadron.  I recall being proud of the engine fire and laser glow. I had just discovered blending you see. Now I think the fire looks more like a stretched-out Koosh ball.

Don't forget to check out my Star Wars LEGO creations!