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Fallout Minifigs, Part 2

LEGO minifigs inspired by Fallout: New Vegas.

All minifigs shown here were created using custom decals that I designed myself. Don't forget to check out my Decal Shop!

Fallout: New Vegas was developed by Obsidian Entertainment, which was founded by many former employees of Black Isle, the developer of the original Fallout and Fallout 2 games. It runs on the same engine as Fallout 3, developed by Bethesda, who also published New Vegas. New Vegas takes place much closer to the settings of the original Fallout games, near the West Coast at the site of what was once Las Vegas, Nevada. A war is being fought for control of Vegas and the nearby power supply of Hoover Dam, a key site for control of the region. The two main combatants are Caesar's Legion and the New California Republic.

You'd think that Caesar's Legion would be somehow related to the famous Caesar's Palace casino-hotel on the Las Vegas Strip, but you'd be wrong. Actually, one of my complaints about New Vegas is the Strip. I've been to the real Strip, and it's way more impressive! Oh well.

Although both sides of the conflict have shades of grey, Caesar's Legion are slavers and look upon non-Legion members as barbarians, fit to be crucified. Because of this, it's easy to see them as the bad guys, and most of the characters in the game agree with this view. Sadly, the player never gets to see what life is like in real Legion territory, in Arizona. They only get a view of their military front lines.

Despite this, the Centurions (above, holding the flag) have the downright coolest-looking armor in New Vegas, in my opinion... although I may be biased as a history major with a passion for all things Rome. Besides the Roman style helmet, they also have Brotherhood power armor on one arm, Super Mutant chest armor, and an NCR Ranger belt, among other accessories. Pretty impressive trophy attire, that's for sure. The regular Legionaries (like the other guy above) have simpler armor made from studded leather and old American football armor, styled to look slightly Roman.

The Legion was founded by the man now known as Caesar (the bald guy above), a brilliant tactician who brought tribe after tribe under his heel, basing a his new government on the ways of Ancient Rome, about which he had read. He hopes to make Las Vegas his Rome, and the NCR his Carthage. The Legion do a very good job of upholding the law (law-breakers get crucified), and more than one caravaner in the Mojave will tell you that they keep their roads safer than the NCR, without charging fines. But they use slaves for labor, have little respect for women, and are genrally just not nice guys. Caesar himself can be generous at times, but the same cannot be said for his right-hand man, Legate Lanius, who is the final boss in all but one possible ending to Fallout: New Vegas.

The New California Republic, on the other hand, are on a mission to bring democracy back to the Wasteland... by coercing everyone into joining their banner. The good side of the NCR is that they are supposedly a democracy hoping to restore order and justice to the Wasteland. They're an equal-opportunity group and have many female soldiers and leaders. The bad side is that their democracy is bogged down in beaurocracy that often prevents them from really helping people on the ground, and they need plenty of money to keep their armies on the march, so taxes are high. They will send you on some pretty shady jobs too. And you always have to wonder: Is it right to hand over New Vegas to their control, when its citizens want to remain free?

The NCR were first introduced in Fallout 2, and you could meet their founder, Tandi, in Fallout 1 as well. She looks a little worse for wear by the time Fallout 2 rolls around...

The two guys above are Rangers. The one holding the flag is in Ranger Patrol Armor, which is actually pretty cool-looking armor once you remove the silly hat. I used my Halo Reach Marine decals to make him, because they look extremely similar in design.

The other guy you'll recognize immediately from the game's cover art. He's a Veteran Ranger, wearing the coveted "black armor" made from LAPD riot gear combined with a badass duster. Many of the Rangers were not originally part of the NCR; they began as a group of like-minded individuals who sought to survive by working together, calling themselves Desert Rangers. They joined up with the NCR as the only way to combat the invading Legion forces. The alliance is commemorated by the scrap-metal statues outside Mojave Outpost.

The Desert Rangers were actually a reference to the 1988 game Wasteland, which also took place in post-nuclear Las Vegas. Wasteland was kind of a proto-Fallout.

You run across a lot of pitched battles in the Wastes between the NCR and the Legion. It's up for grabs who wins, unless you pitch in to help your side... or watch, if you're remaining neutral (like I usually do up until the last second). Don't expect to stay neutral forever, however - not in the highly-contested region of New Vegas. It's even quite possible to become enemies with both, if an independent New Vegas is your goal...

And now for a little bonus: Here's something I started working on but was unble to finish before posting this. It's the door to Vault 13, as seen in Fallout 1!

Fallout 3 changed some of the workings of the vault door. In Fallout 1, they slid outwards and then rolled sideways along a row of grooves, as seen above. I tried to re-create this action the best I could.

No one ever enters, and no one ever leaves. Well okay, actually lots of people do. But anyway, have fun out there in the Wasteland, kiddo!

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