Moving to a New News Blog! (link to old posts inside)
April 14, 2017
TONS of New Minifigs, Weapons, and Stickers! Plus, Contest Results
May 31, 2017New items in the Shop!: the BrickForge Throwing Star, Anti-Materiel Sniper Rifle, Falcata (Kopis), and Javelin Spear! And in the Post-Apoc section are several new sticker sets: Atomic Cats, Cola World, Tribal Power-Helmet Hero, and Laser Rifle & Accessories packs! Check below for some photos of the new stickers in action!:
Fallout 2: Tribal Power Helmet by Justin Stebbins, on Flickr
Fallout 4: Atom Cats T60 Power Armor by Justin Stebbins, on Flickr
Also, don’t forget to enter our Contest! For every 5 people who join, I will add $1 to each prize, so spread the word!