Nova Refuge: Warrior Born – Paperback Novel
February 13, 2017
BrickWarriors Gas Mask
February 17, 2017G4M3: Shattered Reality – Paperback Novel (New version on Amazon!)
NOTE: This is the old, original version of the book. For the NEW version of the book, with revised (better written) text, head over to Amazon (Kindle eBook also available!):
A science fiction novel by
Justin R. Stebbins
published 2008
G4M3: Shattered Reality was my very first novel. I wrote it passionately after being struck with an idea for a science fiction story that could combine both dystopian and post-apocalyptic futures into one, with a plot about the future of video gaming and virtual reality. I sincerely think G4M3 has a solid plot that is exciting to read, even if the writing itself is rough around the edges. I hope you will enjoy it!
It is the future. Mankind has achieved its highest goal: Utopia. All men are now united in what they believe to be complete peace and equality. Watched over by the Order and its android guardians in a strictly organized society, no hurt can befall the mindless masses of this world-city. There is, however, one thing in all of Utopia that its citizens can do to break the peaceful monotony… and that is play the GAME. G4M3 (pronounced simply “game”) is a virtual world of constant war into which a Player can enter, choose a side, and lead a life of passion and violence – the kind of life that the Order does not allow them to lead at home. Kyle Roswell, the grandson of the man who is credited with the invention of G4M3, is one of these Players. But when he begins his alternate life in this vividly realistic world, he finds that he cannot stop playing. And G4M3, he discovers, hides a terrible secret…
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