More Printed ‘Figs – and Sticker Packs!

Printed ‘Figs Drop #12: New Items and Reduced Prices!
August 17, 2024
Printed ‘Figs Drop #12: New Items and Reduced Prices!
August 17, 2024

Got a bunch of new stuff today: some brand new minifigs, some freshly-printed minifigs now available separately instead of only in packs, and even some new sticker sets! Scroll through the list below to see what’s new. As always, stay tuned for updates by following us on social media: Facebook, Instagram, X/Twitter, Tumblr, Discord, and more.


New and Updated Stickers:

Retro Space Lady now Available to Order:

If you’re a supporter of my Patreon (at any tier!) and would like to order one of my leftover Patron-exclusive Retro Space Girls from the most recent Loot Bag, she’s now available for individual purchase, only to patrons! You can find the link over here on my Patreon: Extra Retro Space Girls for Sale | Patreon

See you next time, space cowboy!

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