New Stuff Report: September 1st
September 2, 2018
New Stuff: Wolves in the Fold
May 30, 2019So, I’ve been neglecting my News page in favor of social media updates for far too long. It’s time for the return of regular news updates, like in days of old! But be sure to follow me on social media too! You can find the social media icons at the bottom of the front page. And don’t forget, all supporters of my Patreon get exclusive weekly updates!
From now on, I will post an update here in the News section whenever I add ANY new items to the shop, as SOON as they are added! That will make it easier for me to keep up too. I’ve already lost track of everything I’ve added since the last update, but here are some of the newest things available:
- Devil Slayer Hero
- Devil Slayer Twin
- Devil Slayer Sidekick
- Immortal Combatant Ninjas (male & female)
- Fantasy Warcaster Orcish Warlord
- Historic Gladiator Emperor
- Historic Spartan Assassin
- Post-Apoc Combat Armor
- Post-Apoc Bandaged Man
- Post-Apoc Heavy Trooper Armor
- Alien Invasion Master Cyborg (Dark Grey)
- Alien Invasion Space Corps Marine
- Sci-Fi Cyborg Exterminator Assassin
- Wild West Outlaw Leader
- Anime Bros: Captain Punch
- Anime Bros: Jumpsuit Huntress
- Wulfgard Fred, Isra, and Assassins
- Wulfgard Mage-Emperor and Hooded Man
- Wulfgard Imperial Legionnaire
- Wulfgard Frost Raven Pack
- Fantasy Royal Guard Tunics
- Fantasy Orc Horde
- Immortal Combatants: Male Ninja
- Historic Chinese Armor
- Historic Gladiator Avenger vs. Emperor
- Historic Medieval Peasants Pack
- Historic Spartan Assassin
- Post-Apoc Combat Armor
- Post-Apoc Heavy Troopers and Bandaged Man
- Espionage Series 4 Rat Pack
- Space Wars Dark Invader and Emperor
- Sci-Fi Hellrazer Ranger & Undead Knight
- Wild West Outlaw Gang vs. Sheriff
- Wild West Outlaw Leader
- Anime Major Ghost
- Anime Pirates of the Lagoon
- Anime Tank School Uniforms (soon to be updated with more options)